OIC, Organisation of Islamic Countries??????????????
Honestly speaking, there is nothing Islamic in 57 OIC countries. All these so-called Islamic countries are devoid of any common sense, self-respect, dignity, honor, or rule of law. Every time Israel attacks occupied territories and kills hundreds of innocent women, children, and elderly, they can’t even speak against the brutality. Egypt and the so-called Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan are eager to support the status quo. They always try to please Israel. Most of the Arab countries are against Hamas. If they have guts, they can easily protect helpless Palestinians, but it’s not their priority. An Arab writer once said, Everyone knows that Muhammad Rasool Allah was from Bnu-Hashim, but nobody knows about the so-called King of Jordan. Who claims to be the decedent of the Last Prophet?
August 1099, Baghdad.
The Crusaders had taken the Holy City on Friday 15 July 1099 after a forty day siege. Two days later, when the killing stopped, not a single Muslim was left alive within the city walls. Some people slipped away and went to Damascus. In Damascus the refuges were welcomed by the Grand Qadi Abu Saad al-Harawi. He then took them to the court of the Caliph al-Mustazhir Billah in Baghdad. There the refuges described what happened to them in Jerusalem. Abu Saad al-Harawi said, How dare you slumber in the shade of complacent safety, leading lives as frivolous as garden flowers, while your brothers in Syria have no dwelling place save the saddles of camels and the bellies of vultures? It was a speech that brought tears to many an eye. The entire audience broke out in wails and lamentations. Al-Harawi shouted, Man,s meanest weapon is to shed tears when rapiers stir the coals of war. How true his words were? Today our leaders doing the same what the leader of the faithful and his courtiers did in August 1099. It is ironic to recall what the Caliph al-Mustazhir did. He expressed his profound sympathy and compassion. Then he ordered seven exalted dignitaries to conduct an inquiry into these troublesome events. It is perhaps superfluous to add that nothing was ever heard from that committee of wise men.
I would like to suggest that the OIC Organization of Islamic Countries should be changed to the Organization of Impotent Countries. That’s what they are actually…
The reason of downfall of Muslim s!!!